The continued process of self-development.

That sounds very fancy, doesn’t it?

One of the practices I got in to when studying art & design formally (at college) was self-reflection
and development. I would take a photo or create a piece of work & then
evaluate it myself.
Art schools LOVES that kinda thing. & it’s a great habit to get into as an artist.
Being able to judge the success of your work & what went well
or needs improving is very important.
It’s also great to look back at what you’ve done & see how much you’ve progressed.

Here are two shots I took over the past week, with the tech specs &
some self-critique.


ISO 400 | f4.6 | 1/90 secs
Focusing on these details particularly as I’ve been working on the “exposure triangle”.
I’ve also been working on altering the white balance (WB) in JPEGs in Adobe Lightroom.
The manual controls for aperture on my bridge camera aren’t fantastic,
but I think I achieved my desired effect with the depth of field.
Fairly pleased with the exposure as it happens, I didn’t need to do a lot of post-processing
to be happy with it.



ISO 400 | f4.2 | 1.55 secs
Nyeh. I like the photo but not so pleased with the clarity of the frost.
Not sure if that’s a PP issue or just the composition.
Again, didn’t edit this a great deal as I felt the exposure was okay
for the “feel” I was aiming for. Hmmm.

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